Monday, September 14, 2015

no. 4

yo maaan yoo

a fashion and life blog? are you kidding me? i can barely keep my journal and/or sketchbook in order! 

a pastel pink sweater.....hmm......i would say pink isn't your color, but you kinda go for everything. so i would say okay. but only if you can find a reasonably priced one. that is cozy and warm and useful besides just being pink and pastel. 

i would try to apologize for wearing all your clothes, but i don't feel very sorry about it. in fact, i feel fabulous! plus, i imagine all your clothes that didn't make the cut to college are sad hanging lonely in your closet--which is beginning to smell overbearingly like moth balls again. 

your room is all clean and weird now. also i can walk through it without tripping on hangers or clothes or you. i've been making good use of the does make my legs look awfully short though. 

i would imagine that the puddles up north are muddy and cold and not splash-tastic. and half filled with brown water and sludge/half melted snow. but rainboots would be a worthy investment, i feel like. 

death butterflies? 

i very much enjoy your sassy black horse emotions. 

you felt ill? hmm. haha, reminds me of "you can eat whatever you want and be healthy, you just have to eat it in moderation." 

just be careful around !!!!!!!, i guess. i'm not sure what you should do with him, because i've never been in that kinda business. 

liking the people around you is the first step to liiiiiiking the people around you. and by that i mean loving because they are your best buds. i would say you're doing well from what i've heard. (also pro tip if you catch someone staring at you like you're from outer space they are probably thinking one of these two things: 1) daaaaang she looks fly or 2) she looks like she's from outer space)

i think it would be comforting for you to know that at home i am finally ruling conversations like my true destiny has always said i would do. everything is wonderfully weird without you. today we spent forty five minutes talking about population pyramids (because they are are cool and we learned about them in class) and the pH levels of bodily fluids. 

daddy also thought of a great idea for a science fiction novel. it goes like this. 

it is in the future and global warming is occurring big time even though we're trying desperately to use green, clean, energy, it's not working because we've gone too far. there's too much CO2 in the air and everything is warming up. animals that depend on sea ice are having a really rough time. scientists have already genetically modified (irl) a bacteria that changes CO2 into isobutyraldehyde which can be used to make a bunch of fuels that can possibly replace petroleum and stuff. anyways, in our story the scientists find a way to genetically modify the bacteria to make them reproduce really fast so they convert lots and lots of CO2. At first, they set up big production cultures of bacteria where they produce the iso-whatever thing using bacteria, but the bacteria escapes out of the lab environment. they don't worry about it much at first because the bacteria is designed to not be able to reproduce and survive well out of a controlled environment, but after a couple of years, a new strain develops that is able to live in natural environments. they convert hella CO2 which everybody's pretty happy about at first because hey no more CO2 = no more global warming, except then they convert all the CO2 and they're all like "crap" because the plants start dying and stuff.  

anyways, nerdy stuff. 

alright, gotta dash! 




the ultimate guide to being cool (as told by some random paintings i found on the internet): 

pray....a lot 

get your homies together and have karaoke night together. or, just practice singing latin gibberish. delightful! 

get your bros together and hunt *hella* unicorns. must be done with spears and white dogs only, or it's not cool. 

pose for some fabulous photos in a rustic setting with a buddy you wanna remember forever. suspiciously blurry face REQUIRED. 

kill your enemies casually. candid af amirite? post it on instagram too. 

or, get your horse bros to trample your enemies for you.

have a meeting with some gray people. they're a blast! also, they make great coffee. 

play some music and get turnt together. 

get turnt some more. dancing naked outside in the dark inside a gated enclosure while a man reads to you and some trumpet people play for you is an excellent way to get turnt. 

using crutches the wrong way and crawling around is great if you're in a new setting with people you don't know. 

convince your rabbit friend to harass a lady on the street. it's a great prank and it makes you look hilarious and cool. 

group photos are a great way to look cool. pro tip: make sure your group photo has an obvious focus

no. 3

hay k hay

i just have to say that you may or may not want to start a fashion and life advice blog because i feel inspired and beautiful and all chuckled up to be tucked into a cozy nest of homesick

i have never owned a pastel pink sweater but i’ve been told that it’s never too late - thoughts?

my heart broke for myself when i read that you’re wearing my beautiful clothes </3 after all: what is life without a sunflower maxi dress? what is life without a pink triangle necklace? what is life without MY brown vest thing?

other things i miss dearly:
corduroy pants
olive green skinny jean
mustard striped collared shirt
light scarf 
the lake - especially the days when the sun is gleaming and everyone’s eyes are aglitter in reflection 

i am also pleased that i brought my black and white striped shirts. i wore my black jeans, cuffed, and a flannel shirt under my navy raincoat today. it was drizzling. i was cozy warm, but there were times when i would’ve appreciated a scarf. maybe tomorrow i’ll wear one. i’d say that it’s odd that it’s so cold so early, but it’s really not odd. it just seems normal. 

im glad you like the jellies and that you like splashing. there’s ample opportunity to puddle splash here, but i unfortunately do not have the rainboots to do so. hopefully, that’ll change in time, but for now i avoid puddles like the plague. 

today i felt ill. i don’t know why i did, but i think it might have been something i ate or anxiety. !!!!!!! texted me yesterday, and i got the opposite of happy crushing-on-you butterflies. i got the feeling that swift’s long list of starbucks lovers must have when they hear blank space. i call it death butterflies. 

here’s some pictures that illustrate how he’s making me feel: 

how have you been?
oh no nope 
get outta here
what do you want
don't you forget about me
so yeah. mixed feelings, queasy mostly.

work is really picking up, like i said. i’ve met some really amazing people that i adore: ::::::, -----, |||||||||, ###, >>>>>>>>, ^^^^^^^, and there’s a cute boy named @@@@ that i’m hoping to get to know - and today in the library, a different cute boy named ~~~ asked for my contact info. i haven’t found a crew, but i like people here. they’re thoughtful, beautiful, kind, funny, bright, and just plain cool. i often don’t feel cool enough. i will definitely look into investing in a space suit.


p.s. everyone knows the first rule of pulling things off: put the thing on

no. 2

heyo b

not cold here yet at all, only a tiny cool front (95 degrees still)

i like elle fanning. she has a nice nose, and she's wearing a turtleneck. james dean does look like ___________. 

have you ever even had a pastel pink sweater?? 

crew neck t + v-neck sweater + zip up sweatshirt - zip up sweatshirt = new look. 

i wore that turtleneck tanktop i talked about. you know, the black one with the boob stripes? i wore it with the green shorts and my oxfords and i looked super vintage-classy for the day. ******* said i looked cute. she wears dresses a lot. 

i love those shorts. so, good fashion advice also would to have a bangin pair of pants that you love. 

another thing i wore was your sunflower maxi skirt. i wore it with a tanktop and a brown vest thing and felt like a forest sprite. it was nice. 

as for you and your limited clothing choices, i wouldn't be afraid to just throw that navy rain coat of yours on top of a collared shirt. or that rain coat on top of anything. i'm wearing my raincoat with everything. 

i'm glad you brought all those striped t shirts. if you wear a nice necklace with them, you can look really on top. i wore the black and white striped gap shirt with the pink triangle necklace (also yours) with the front tucked into the green shorts. that was on picture day, even though i forgot it was picture day. i looked fly though, so it was okay. 

another thing i did was wear my clear sparkly jellies to the dock. it was raining and thundering and i was in charge of keeping the tent free of rainwater (water collects in these huge pockets on the tent, and whoever pushes all the water out gets soaked). i was soaked to the bone and jumping in puddles with sparkly shoes and i was having a great time. 

i guess my fashion advice would be to just do whatever and most of the time it will work. sometimes an outfit idea just pops into my head and it's great and sometimes i have to slog out of bed and sit in the closet for eight minutes (approximately) before i can begin to know what i will wear. i think i wore rompers three days in a row because a) my green shorts were dirty and i didn't want to find any of my other shorts b) dresses and skirts are a struggle c) rompers require little outfit coordination (however maintenance is required when you pee). 

also one more thing: you literally live in antarctica so your main concern probably should be not dying of freezing. 

but a friendly reminder: 

whenever you're tired and can't think of a warm and stylish outfit that will keep you toasty and chic without looking like a blimp, you can always wear one of these sassy jumpsuits space suits (also available in obnoxious pink, danger alert orange, and orange): 

anyways, today we went out and picked the pomegranates (they're ripe!) and they do taste very nice. 

okay, bye


no. 1

hullo k

email to be read to the song of:

it’s been rainy over here so i’ve compiled a few aesthetic people for rainy days

the first one's name is duckie - from pretty in pink
then elle fanning
james dean - does he look like _________ or is that just me?
lindsey weir
no rainy day complete without totoro

& some clothing inspo time now

low key pastel pink sweater vibes

alicia silverstone 
alexa chung
jeannie - from ferris bueller's day off
crew neck t-shirt + v-neck sweater + zip-up sweatshirt = new look for fall? 
circle yes or no

juno - from juno
still juno
please let me know what interesting clothing combinations you’ve been up to lately 
i will probably be inspired and do more with my limited options
(don’t let fashion get in the way of school work though)

i might join the beekeepers club - first meeting tomorrow
even morgan freeman thinks it’s cool*
